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Who We Are

It is a natural healing system of India that evolved into a distinct medical science around 100 has been enriched with contributions from sages like Charaka Susrutha and Vegbhatta.The object of Ayurveda is to counteract the imbalance of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, kalpha) the three vital elements that control the functioning of the human body.


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Ingredients data comes here in 200 words.


Ingredients data comes here in 200 words.


Ingredients data comes here in 200 words.


Ingredients data comes here in 200 words.


Ingredients data comes here in 200 words.

Bringa Oil

It is a natural healing system of India that evolved into a distinct medical science around 100 BCE. It has been enriched with contributions from sages like Charaka, Susrutha, and Vegbhatta. The object of Ayurveda is to counteract the imbalance of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) – the three vital elements that control the functioning of the human body. Siddha is a holistic system of medicine in South India founded by 18 Siddhars, who were spiritually enlightened individuals. The system comprises codified procedures for medicine manufacturing, disease diagnosis by Mukuutram (Thridosha therapy), Nadi (Pulse reading), and Attavitha Paritchai (8 types of testing). It uses a special group of herbs called Kayakalpa (Rejuvenation) herbs for treatment and preventive aspects.

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